Friday, January 6, 2023

The Republican Speaker of the House - Chaos or a Process


By: E. Eugene Webb PhD

The sheer chaos of the last few days or so in the US House of Representatives, regarding the selection of the new speaker of the House of Representatives has been fascinating to watch to say the least.

Some call it chaotic, some call it a process; some call it Trumpism; some are confused; some are angry, and the Democrats are enjoying every moment of it.

In reality, it is our democratic government playing out one of the long cycle changes brought about by the form of our democracy.

Due to a lack of term limits in the United States Congress, it is possible as we see, for members to be elected and serve for extraordinarily long periods of time. In the founding fathers’ minds, this was part of their way of providing for a robust continuing of the governmental structure.

But every so often, the line simply comes to an end. A group, sometimes large sometimes small, of controlling members gradually age out to the place where their views are no longer relevant. That is what I think we are seeing now, a revolution in the Republican Party not so much about democracy or governing but about the reality of old age. As people become less concerned with the present and the future and more concerned about protecting the past it is time for a change.

As one of those who are aging out of the reality of the current status quo, I fully recognize how difficult it is to let go of the past. To let go of power once had, to be run over by the younger mindset with newer ideas a better grasp of the reality of technology and the human condition.

For some of these Republicans resisting change, it's all about not trusting the future and for some others it's all about protecting their own political pork barrel.

Here's the reality of it all.

Change is needed in the Republican Party. The old guard needs to go, and they need to go not slowly but quickly and not fighting and screaming but quietly as our political process provides for.

I don't really think Kevin McCarthy would make a particularly good speaker of the house. And his position in line for the succession to the presidency is somewhat more disconcerting. And I'm a longtime Republican, I would remind you.

I'm not sure how this is going to play out. I would like to see a moderate Republican in early middle age step up and offer themselves to be the Speaker of the US House of Representatives.

What I do know is this, we need people for these leadership roles who know that two bit coins don't equal a quarter.

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