The whiners, criers and complainers predict social gloom and doom as these well-padded areas of federal spending are reigned in
St. Petersburg, Fl
Opinion by: E. Eugene Webb PhD
Author: In Search of Robin
Politicians are such a predictable lot.
The new Trump Budget, which expands military funding
and reduces spending in a number of other areas, has the politicians from
mayors to congressional representatives bellowing in response.
Governmental spending exploded under the Obama Administration,
especially in the social service and entitlement area.
Here is a snapshot of the Budget reductions:
Health and Human Services down $15.1 Billion about 18%
Environmental Protection Agency down $2.6 Billion about
State Department down $10.1 Billion about 28%
You can see a good visual review at CBC News Winners and losers in Trump's budget.
Now come the whiners, criers and complainers as they
predict social gloom and doom as these well-padded areas of federal spending
are reigned in.
The real question is are these government officials all
that interested in the beneficiaries of these programs, or are they pandering
to a media looking for fodder to feed the anti Trump movement?
Bureaucracies, boondoggles and entitlements are never
easy to reign in. The politicians are
trotting out the poor, the environment and global handouts that have truly
gotten out of control.
The Trump Budget, even when modified will have very visible
affects all the way down to the local level. Many large Cities like Tampa and
St. Petersburg have numbers of programs tied to federal funding. Unless cities and counties are willing to
adjust their priorities, federally funded entitlement programs and services are
going to suffer.
The State legislature is already looking at tightening
up the food stamp program, which is ripe with fraud.
For the political take from Florida see Tampa Bay Times
Washington Bureau Chief Alex Leary, From
Florida, bipartisan bashing of Trump's budget plan.
Are these politicians really that interested in the
programs impacted or are they more interested in putting some distance between themselves
and Trump while shoring up votes in future elections?
To be sure, some are speaking out of heartfelt concerns
but others are self-serving.
Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do during the
campaign he is reigning in federal spending and focusing on security.
There are many oxen being gored in this budget, and
they will all complain loudly but the fact is the Federal Government needs an
overhaul and the place to start is the Budget.
Let us see who in the Congress has the courage to take
on the establishment, entitlements and national security and really do
something about them.
E-mail Doc at mail to: dr.gwebb@yahoo.com
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Gallery at Bay Post Photos.
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