You can read a
review of the actual law you will approve if you vote yes at Sales
Tax (GreenLight) Ordinance Review
Due to pressure
from opponents of the Greenlight plan and the Sales tax ordinance, the Suncoast
Transit Authority and the Pinellas County Commission found it necessary to
develop the Interlocal Agreement before the election to add some direction to
how the revenue from the 1% sales tax will be spent and to attempt to add some
clarity regarding the suspension of the current PSTA Ad valorem property
The following document is a reproduction of the
Pinellas County Interlocal Agreement with the Suncoast Transit Authority
approved by the Pinellas County Commission.
The text of the Agreement appears in italics
My Comments appear in Bold regular text.
Section 6
elects to impose an ad valorem tax pursuant to the authority granted by its
Special Act while the Surtax is being collected and PSTA is entitled to receive
Surtax Net Proceeds, the County shall be entitled to reduce the Surtax Net
Proceeds distributed to PSTA in the amount of the ad valorem taxes collected by
PSTA in each Fiscal Year in which it imposes an ad valorem tax. If PSTA
discontinues such ad valorem tax levy, in the County's sole discretion, the
County may begin distributing the full amount of the Surtax Net Proceeds to
Note that the
County is entitled to reduce the funds going to PSTA but they are not obligated
to do so. The County cannot cause PSTA to default on any bonds or obligations.
Should PSTA get
into financial trouble, which most of these train projects do, then the only
options the County has are to bail out PSTA with their funds or allow the
property tax to go back into place.
Since these
train projects have been known to put Counties on the verge of bankruptcy the
County's most logical move would be to agree to put the burden on you the tax
payer through restarting the property tax.
Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of this Agreement, in the
event PSTA imposes an ad valorem tax as contemplated by this Section 6, the
County may take any action it deems necessary and is legally required to
permanently reduce the levy of the Surtax; provided, however, the County shall
use its best efforts to ensure that at the time any such permanent reduction is
made, the reduction shall not exceed the amount of ad valorem taxes collected
by PSTA in the immediately prior Fiscal Year.
This one is
It allows that
the County may take any legal action to reduce the sales tax revenue should
PSTA implement the ad valorem tax. The referendum, however, sets the amount at
1%. The question is would it take a new referendum to permanently reduce the
The more likely
scenario would be that all or most of the sales tax revenue would be pledged to
obligation bonds. PSTA would need ad valorem tax revenue to operate. Since the
bond pledge is a legal covenant, the County could not reduce or with hold the
revenue from the sales tax necessary to meet the bond obligation.
Short form: You
the tax payer get stuck with a new property tax and a 1% sales tax.
(D) If PSTA's
Special Act is amended to eliminate PSTA's authority to levy an ad valorem tax
on real property in the County, this Section 6 shall be of no further force and
Probably not
going to happen. The Legislature has already indicated it will not take up the
PSTA request regarding property tax relief.
Doc at: dr.webb@verizon.net. Or
send me a Facebook (Gene Webb) Friend request. Please comment below, and be
sure to share on Facebook and Twitter.
Disclosures: Contributor to No Tax for Tracks.
Disclosures: Contributor to No Tax for Tracks.
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