Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Foster VIBE

In Tuesday's USF Mayoral debate, Bill Foster talked a lot about the St. Pete Vibe and all those cranes downtown.
It got me to thinking about the St. Pete VIBE. Are you part of the VIBE?
 If you happen to live in South St. Pete how's your VIBE? Look out the window do you see any cranes? Any new high rises?
How about those of you who live out in West St. Pete. How's your VIBE? Any new sidewalk cafes? Any new developments? Any cranes popping up in your part of town?
The problem with Bill Foster is he has a hard time seeing past 16th street, and rarely ventures past 34th Street. Looking South his vision stops about 5th avenue South.
There is the 34th street redevelopment project, but cleaning up 34th street, building some medians and planting some trees will hardly make the area safer or really more attractive to new business.
Bill Foster has a myopic view of St. Petersburg formulated along the lines of the St. Pete Chamber of Commerce that says if you stand at 16th and Central, look east and everything is going great, all is well with St. Petersburg.
What ST. Pete needs is a mayor who gets up every morning and thinks about the entire City of ST. Petersburg and applies the City's resources so every tax payer has a chance to participate in all St. Petersburg can and should be.
That's not Bill Foster.
Be sure to comment below or you can e-mail Doc at:, or send me a Facebook Friend request.
Campaign Disclosures: Contributor to Kathleen Ford Campaign, Darden Rice Campaign, Concern Citizens of St. Petersburg, Rick Kriseman for Mayor, District 2 Lorraine Margeson

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